How to Ditch the Negative Self-Talk After Baby

I remember looking at my body in the mirror just a few weeks after having my 2nd baby and just thinking about how STRANGE it looked.  I didn't even recognize myself in the mirror anymore.  My so-called abs had turned to loose skin and a muffin top.

While I knew I had to give myself grace I still couldn't help but compare myself to those model looking girls on Instagram who STILL have abs 3 days after giving birth.  Are they real?!

Even worse was the day I left the house and NONE of my clothes fit.  I went through probably 5-10 outfits thrown all over my closet before I found something that looked suitable and didn't expose the obvious weight I had gained and the changes in my body.

I knew this was probably going to happen but I wasn't totally ready for how unpretty and unsexy I would feel.  I had that desire to feel pretty in my skin again, to feel comfortable being intimate with my hubby again but I also knew I had to give myself grace.

As moms we sacrifice our bodies to have the most precious gifts in the world.  But thinking that we are going to get our body back and BELIEVING it are two different things.

I had to improve my own negative self talk before I could really regain motivation.  I had to mentally be capable to add something else to my life - like health + fitness and I had to believe that my efforts would make it worth it!

If you're struggling to re-gain motivation and truly believe you can do it... my first advice is to SPEAK positive affirmations to yourself.

I know this sounds super corny but I really believe it works.  What we consistently put our energy into we become.

Here's two exercises you can do to DITCH the negative self talk and re-gain the motivation you need.

1. Trash it

Write down how you're currently feeling about yourself and your body on a piece of paper.  Get deep with yourself... why are you feeling so crappy?  What do you dislike about your body, your life right now? Get that mean girl inside your head on paper.  And then I want you to RIP it up and throw it in the trash!  That girl is gone and a new one will soon be emerging :)

2. Think of 3 words that describe the woman you want to become.

Is she fit? Healthy? Energized? Organized? Productive? Intentional?

Pick your three words and repeat those words to yourself multiple times a day.  The more you put your focus and energy into what you want the more likely you are to become that person.

These are just a couple exercises you can do to help you start to truly find the self love you NEED in order to take steps forward.  You will only re-gain motivation when you believe in yourself and truly LOVE who you are despite the physical flaws you may see right now.

In the end you have to KNOW you are beautiful despite the changes you are seeing.  You have to speak POSITIVE thoughts into your mind each and every day and KNOW with your heart + soul that it is WORTH it to try.  Don't let that mean girl inside your head get the best of you.  Tell her to take a hike.  I do believe our babies can sense our energy and feed off of that, lets start being role models to them even at a young age.  We will never get it PERFECT and you're not expected to.  As moms we are going to make a million mistakes but if we can simply work on ourselves and try to improve that is the best progress there is!

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