5 Tips for Working Out with Kids at Home

Its a constant dilemma - you have the best intentions to get in your workout but you have a fussy baby and a needy toddler and trying to manage it all just seems impossible.  You would love to get to a gym but finding one with good quality childcare is not easy and packing up your kids every day to get there literally causes you stress to get everyone out the door and back plus it just feels like a HUGE waste of hours of your day!

These were my dilemmas and so that's why for the past 3 1/2 years since I had my first baby I have committed to doing fitness at home.  I work with many moms who love the idea of working out at home but they have extremely high expectations on making it through a workout completely kid free. 

I don’t know about you but I personally don’t ever have a minute to myself.  One kid is crying one minute, the next the other kid is eating the dog food (literally). I can’t even use the bathroom in peace, it’s an ongoing cycle of running around like a chicken with your head cut off.  At least that’s how I feel.  I honestly pray that I can get someone to watch one kid because having only 1… that would be a piece of cake these days!  

And I’m sure you mamas with more than 2 are thinking if you could only have 2 again?! 

The reality is whether you’re a stay at home mom or you’re working full time we all have INSANE challenges as mothers to find time for ourselves.

Mamas, I've been doing this whole workout from home thing for a few years now and I've gotten into incredible shape however, I have very few workouts that are picture perfect.  Here's my best tips for working out with kids at home with the most success!
1. Plan

I hate to break it to you BUT you’re NEVER going to get time unless YOU create it.  It’s not going to be easy. Planning is going to be KEY!  I highly suggest pre-planning your days the night before and pre-planning your week on the weekends. Every night before I go to bed I do a “brain dump” of everything I have to do the next day.  I write everything out on paper and then I pencil it into my day.  

At one point I had an hourly schedule but now with a baby again I do more of a block schedule… for example in the mornings I know no matter what my workout gets done. In the afternoon I have a block of time where I know I need to get work tasks done and in the evenings a block of time for getting household chores, etc done.

Whether you use an hourly schedule or a block schedule make sure you have everything written down on paper to help you plan!  Then based on what you have to do the next day schedule in that workout!
We all have different lifestyles so you have to decide what’s best for you and WRITE IT DOWN!  Block out that time, your 30 minutes to get it in.  If you write your schedule down on paper  or in your calendar you’re WAY more likely to get it done. PROMISE!

2. Pick a time when they are most happy

Decide what time of day you’re going to do your workout, will it be super early before you kids wake up? Will it be after you get home from work? Will it be late night? Will it be during naps or will you do it WITH your littles watching?  

My baby is personally most happy first thing in the morning so that's typically when I get in my workout.  It not then, I try to base it around her naps.  Decide when your kids are the most happy and do your workout then (if not when they are sleeping).  The happier they are the more likely they are to not interrupt.  They may actually do it with you (depending on age) or play nicely beside you!

3. Change & Feed

These two are KEY to having a happy baby during a workout. I always make sure to nurse and change my baby before my workout.  Then, I set her up in her bumbo chair or her bouncer and she sits there and watches me sweat!  

4. Keep them occupied

For toddlers make sure they have toys/snacks set up for them so they are less likely to interrupt.  Sometimes my 3 year old likes to do the workouts with me which is always fun but if she doesn't I set her up with a few snacks and a bunch of fun toys right by me and she plays while I sweat.

5. Expect interruptions!!!!! 

Honestly it’s time to lower your standards mama when it comes to having alone time and expect the unexpected.  Don’t expect things to be perfect… just do it anyways and accept the interruptions and madness that may happen. You’re a mom and your first priority is your kids.  Pressing pause or stopping and coming back to it is always okay!

Are you a mom looking for more help with getting back in shape with a schedule that works for you?  You can learn more about my Body Back Bootcamp for Moms by clicking here.

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