What Kind of Workouts Should you Do to Burn Belly Fat?

Hi, everyone!

A question I am often asked is “what workouts should I be doing to burn belly fat?”

There is a great deal of confusion about what is beneficial or not so helpful as far as losing extra belly weight is concerned. I primarily work with new moms trying to lose those last few pounds in their midsections, and this is a topic that is often discussed.

Let me dispel one major exercise myth: you cannot spot train your belly. Please do not develop the mindset that you have to do a ton of crunches to lose your belly fat.

Much more goes into losing fat in that area, and here are three helpful ways to effectively attack and burn fat on your midsection:

HIIT – HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. This is when you exercise in intervals, from ten seconds to a minute, working at max effort. You complete those short bursts of exercises, then enjoy an equally short resting period (ten or so seconds of rest). When doing a HIIT workout, you go back and forth between high-intensity bursts and short rest times. For your high-intensity bursts, you could spin, sprint, do burpees, or mountain climbers. You can also modify your exercises, too, in case you have issues with your back and knees. That way, you can get your heart rate up but protect your joints in the process. 

Here is a HIIT fun fact: You can burn calories for up to 48 hours after your workout! Oh, and here is another plus about HIIT workouts – these workouts do not have to be super long. A big mistake I see people making is doing 60 minutes of cardio, every day. While that is certainly a great way to relieve stress, there are shorter, more effective ways to burn belly fat, such as completing a HIIT workout.

Strength Training: Aim to strength train 2-3 times per week to burn belly fat. Many women believe they will become bulky if they lift, but the results are actually the opposite! When you lift heavy weights, you burn fat efficiently, reshaping your body and leaning out, too. Here is a strength training fun fact: One pound of fat burns 20 calories per hour! So, focus on learning how to appropriately strength train so you can burn fat faster.

Low-Intensity Workout – At least once a week, enjoy a low-intensity workout such as yoga, hiking, walking, or jogging. These workouts do not necessarily burn a ton of fat, but they help your mindset immensely. When you de-stress, your body improves as a result. If you are stressed, your gut flora could be out of whack, damaging your gut lining, which leads to bloating and fat storing. Instead, take part in an enjoyable, low-intensity workout.

When you are in a good mood, your body and mind will change in a positive way, and the tips mentioned above will definitely get you on the right track.

If you are struggling with your current routine or unsure where to start, I have a free, helpful guide, just for you: “Three Secrets for Flat Abs After Baby.” My best tips are in there and, hopefully, that will get you started on your fitness journey!

There you have it, three effective ways to burn belly fat. Mamas, if you’re not in my free “Fit Mama Community” Facebook group, please feel free to join! I share healthy recipes and weekly workouts, and there is lots of helpful support in the group, too – tons of other moms working towards like-minded goals.

As always, thanks for reading!



Click here for your FREE GUIDE - 3 Secrets for Flat Abs After Baby

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