3 Tips for Post Holiday Motivation

Its that time of year.  Christmas has passed.  The New Year is quickly approaching ... you've indulged a bit too much on egg nog, pizza (oh just me?), Christmas cookies and wine!  Your excuses are about to run out as to why you shouldn't get started.  Plus, as the New Year approaches you want 2018 to be the BEST year EVER!

You're already feeling excited about wiping that slate clean and starting fresh.  But where to begin?

You want to make your health a priority again.

You want to have ENERGY again to play with your kiddos.

You want to fit into those skinny jeans again.

And you want to get back in the picture and stop avoiding the scale.

However, after taking so much time off your motivation is seriously LACKING!

I've been there friend.  With such a busy time of year fitness is not a top priority in my life either.

This time of year is spent focusing on making memories and thankfully due to my flexible nutrition system - enjoying my treats without guilt.

So now that this Holiday season is ending, its time to take action toward what you want to accomplish in 2018.

But how?

Here's my Top 3 Tips for getting re-started on your health goals post Holidays:

1. STOP waiting for motivation and just GO!  

I know this isn't what you wanted to hear.  You wanted me to give you 3 tips like... "read some motivational quotes" or "do xyz and the motivation will come back."  But I'm not going to BS you...

Just because the New Year is approaching doesn't mean you're going to magically find motivation or that its just simply going to STRIKE you.  I promise you, if you're waiting for it... it won't come.  Your life is not magically going to get easier or less busy because the Holidays are over.  Motivation HAS to come from within.

Stop waiting for motivation and simply take ACTION.  ACTION yields motivation. Start by taking one small step.  You can pick 1 thing each week to improve such as:

Week 1 - drink more water
Week 2 - Cut out soda and drink more water
Week 3 - Exercise 3x per week, no soda, lots of water
Week 4 - Cut out processed foods, exercise 3x per week, no soda, lots of water

Get the idea? You don't have to take MASSIVE action but you do need to take at least 1 step forward.

2. Make a Plan

If you fail to plan,  you plan to fail.  It really is true! Where there's no organization you'll fail to actually follow through!  Take time before the New Year to set up your best plan of action.  Get a planner and map out your workout routines or start meal planning weekly.  If you want more tips on meal prep/planning you can check out this post.

Or if you're strapped for time, HIRE someone (coach/trainer, etc) to set up a plan for you!

3. Invest in Yourself

Investing in YOU is the #1 way to truly take action toward your goals! If you have some skin in the game you're much more likely to fully commit!  But don't just invest blindly friend.  Invest in a program or person who has proven results and system that is a lifestyle long term plan (not just a quick fix).

The most frustrating thing to me is when I see women invest in a gym membership or a quick fix solution that ultimately leaves them feeling like a failure just a month or two later.

What I've found is that by investing in a long term solution that gives you a system/plan to follow, plus accountability + support is when you SUCCEED!

If you're a mom like me you know that finding success is not always so simple!  It takes time, strategy and commitment to make it all work.  Thankfully, inside my Body Back Bootcamp I've taken the stress + time out of it for you!

There is strategy you can implement TOAY to create MORE time and less stress for you and your family.

You need strategies in place, strategies that will help you decrease your time spent in the gym, in the kitchen and INCREASE your time spent honoring your priorities - YOUR FAMILY!!!

That's exactly why I created Body Back Bootcamp!

Inside BBB, I lay out the step-by-step process that will help you save time + gain clarity (think stop running around like a #hotmess mom), increase your ENERGY, tone up, get healthy, increase milk supply and set up SYSTEMS + habits in place that will leave you feeling INCREDIBLE for the LONG TERM (no quick fixes here)!!!

I’m SO EXCITED for you to get started. Enroll in BBB RIGHT NOW and join an amazing, motivational group of women inside my community.  We start Prep on January 1st, spaces are almost full so join NOW!

Let’s do this, sister!


Click here to Learn More About Body After Baby Bootcamp

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