How to End the Guilt Cycle During the Holidays

The Holidays are approaching very quickly and I'm SO excited! I love this time of year, the decorations, the fun, the parties, the family, the FOOD!  But for many women I speak with the Holidays are a time of constant stress over food, trying to control cravings and when they indulge (which they always do) they're left feeling defeated, guilty and upset about ruining any progress they had previously made.

The other alternative for women I speak to is that they completely give up during the Holiday season because they don't believe they will ever be able to enjoy life & see progress at the same time.

All of that right there, hurts my heart! The Holidays should be a time when we are happy and filled with nothing but joy and happiness with our families.  We should be able to enjoy the food without constant stress and negative emotions.  And if we DESIRE to live healthier, more fulfilling lives we should be able to continue to make progress toward our goals at any time of the year despite some indulging!

I'm here to tell you it DOES NOT have to be this way.  You can still enjoy the food and festivities of the Holidays AND get real consistent results.  The Holidays would not be the same without turkey, dressing, pumpkin pie, and all those comfort foods I love!

I've personally found this food freedom through a flexible nutrition system that I teach in my Body Back Bootcamp where I can enjoy and indulge in moderation and still get KILLER results.

But here's some practical tips you can take away to keep your Holiday season healthy and free from guilt:

1. Move every day

Whether you hit the gym, walk the dog, or have a dance party don't stay still for too long!

2. Eat a healthy breakfast daily.

Make sure you're eating a healthy source of protein, veggies, a complex carb and healthy fat at the start of your day.  This will keep you satiated and satisfied as you move into more temptations later on!

3. Eat lots of fruits & veggies.

Eating lots of fiber will keep your body energized and your immune system healthy! It will also keep you feeling full longer.  Eat lots of fresh fruits, veggies and even nuts to keep you full!

4. Don't label anything as "off limits"

Enjoy a dessert and some fun foods during the Holidays. When we label certain dishes as off limits it leaves us feeling restricted and often causes the restrict-binge cycle.  Enjoy your favorite foods and desserts and don't feel guilty - I'm giving you permission!

5. Listen to your body

Eat until you're about 80% full.  If you're still hungry go back for seconds and if you're not just stop.  Why put yourself in a painful situation?  Enjoy your food but also be aware of when you're body is telling you its full.  Slow down while you're eating so you can be more aware.

6. Scope out the food

Check out all the food at the dinner party so you can decide what you actually want to enjoy and eat!  When you put a little bit of everything on your plate you're often left with a few dishes that really aren't you favorite but you feel obligated to eat them just cause its there.  Scope out what you want before hand so you can just pick your favs!  If you're still hungry go back for your second choices later.

7. Drink a lot of water!

Drinking a lot of water is going to keep you hydrated and full.  Especially if you're consuming alcohol make sure to drink a glass after each drink! Be safe and don't over-do it!

Its time to start enjoying you Holiday fully!  If you've struggled with feeling guilty with food in the past and you're ready to end the cycle and finally get real long lasting results you'd be a great fit for my Body Back Bootcamp!  My next round starts January 1st, spots are limited. Click here to learn more.

Check out my "SIMPLE + HEALTHY MEALS FOR REAL MOMS COOKBOOK eBOOK" for recipes the whole family will enjoy!

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